Emergency Cases

Child - Epistaxis / Nosebleed

Epistaxis (also called nosebleed) is a common problem in children. Usually due to irritation of immature nasal mucosa in Children, such as nose picking, upper respiratory tract infection or minor injury. Rarely, bleeding disorder like leukaemia and haemophilia can present epistaxis.

First aid to patient:

  • Sit upright and lean forward. By remaining upright, you reduce blood pressure in the veins of your nose. This discourages further bleeding. Sitting forward will help you avoid swallowing blood, which can irritate your stomach
  • Pinch your nose. Use your thumb and index finger and breathe through your mouth. Continue to pinch for five to 10 minutes. This maneuver sends pressure to the bleeding point on the nasal septum and often stops the flow of blood
  • Seek medical care immediately if the bleeding lasts for more than 20 minutes


  • If you experience frequent nosebleeds, seek medical advice as soon as possible
  • Don’t strongly pinch your nose
  • Seek medical care immediately if the bleeding lasts for more than 20 minutes