Emergency Cases

Adult - Poisoning

Coal gas / Carbon monoxide poisoning:

  • Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. But the danger it poses is real. Carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in your blood — and the consequences can be fatal

First aid to patient:

  • Open all windows and doors to allow town gas to disperse
  • Turn off the gas meter control valve and extinguish all naked flames
  • Do not touch any electrical switches, such as switching on or off lighting fixtures
  • Do not use telephones or mobile phones in your premises
  • Do not use matches or lighters
  • Transport victim to medical care as soon as possible
  • Initiate Cardiopulmonary resuscitation if necessary

Ingestion of corrosive substances:

  • Examples of corrosive substances include bleaching agent, sewage cleansing agent and hydrogen peroxide, etc.

First aid to patient:

  • Nothing by mouth
  • Avoid inducing vomiting
  • Transport victim to medical care as soon as possible